(PXA COMMUNITY) Klan Koji Regruteruje Igrace Sa podrucja cele zemlje,Klan je Internacionalan,I u tome cemo napredovati,Primao igrace koji znaju Srpski,Engleski,Nemacki,Ruski
1.WN8:1400+(7 dana,WN8:1900+)
2.2 Tier X u Garazi(1500+ Prosek DMG)
3.2 Tier VIII u Garazi(1600+ Prosek DMG)
4.TS3 obavezan kada se igra cw od(18:00-23:00)
5.Primamo rroll naloge(2000+ WN8)
6.Pricanje neka od 3 navedena jezika(Engleski,Nemacki,Ruski)
(PXA COMMUNITY) clan who Regruteruje players with areas all over the country, the clan is international, and that we will prosper, He received the players who know Serbian, English, German, Russian
1.WN8: 1400+ (7 days, WN8: 1900+)
2.2 Tier X in the garage (1500 + Avg DMG)
3.2 Tier VIII in the garage (1600 + Avg DMG)
4.TS3 mandatory when the game cw from (18: 00-23: 00)