[XVIIL] Royal Lancers

Honour and Pride


Welcome to the Royal Lancers.

We are a bunch of mainly middle aged men who enjoy blasting enemy tanks together, if you are over 18, up for some banter, while killing tanks with gusto, and having a laugh, then we might just be the place for you.

We have been in clans where the rules have changed as someone at the top decided they wanted a different goal. We have few rules, but they don't generally change, and everyone is free to come and go as they want.

We will unlikely to be participating in clan wars anytime soon, but there will be no mandatory requirements if we grow large enough. We would like to participate in Stronghold though.

Rule 1, You must be able to swear and curse.
Rule 2, TeamSpeak, so that we can hear you swear.
Rule 3, Be active (play a couple of times a week at least)

That's it, if you break the rules, we won't kick you (well not for the first few times anyway), but we may ask if this is the place for you, so you can decide.


Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 6

Ø Bitiek3441
Ø WN8582,04
Ø Výhier48,45%

Členovia klanu

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História klanu

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