[MOF] Messengers Of Fear

Play and hung out with Your teammates.


Klan za zabavu i za one koji zele pobjeci od situacije moras odigrati advens ili slicno. Trazimo igrace koji su aktivni zbog skupljanja resursa da ojacamo jedinice i da se mogu pustati busteri svaku vecer. Svi su dobro dosli ako se mogu normalno ponasati Dobro dosli i sretno

The clan for fun and for those who want to escape from the situation you have to play advens or similar. We are looking for players who are active to gather resources so that boosters can be released every night. Everyone is welcome if they can behave normally Welcome and good luck

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 16

Ø Bitiek12196
Ø WN81633,88
Ø Výhier51,79%

Členovia klanu

Štatistiky šarvátok


História klanu

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