[AOA] Army of Ares

Si vis pacem, para bellum. (Ako zelis mir spremaj se za rat)


Uslovi za ulazak u klan:

- Pozitivnost
- Spremnost da se prihvati greska (Svi smo ljudi, gresimo)
- WN8 1200+
- Barem tri tier X tenka
- Obavezan trening
- CW i STRONGHOLD takodje obavezni
-TS Address:

Automatsko kikovanje iz klana:
- Vikanje sa ili bez razloga na TS-u
- Vredjanje u bilo kom obliku
- Neodazivanje TRENINGU, CW-u i STRONGHOLD-u (to vazi u slucaju kada ste online, ukoliko ste offline u redu je)


Join requirements:

- Positive attitude
- Willingness to accept your own mistake (We are all humans, we make mistakes)
- WN8 1200+
- At least 3 tier X
- Training
- CW and STRONGHOLD are also mandatory

Auto-kick from clan:
- Yelling with or without reason on TS
- Insults of any sort
- Not participating TRAINING, CW and STRONGHOLD (in case that you are online you must come, otherwise is ok)

Za sva pitanja kontaktirajte: Viki_od_Tenka
For any questions contact: Ludi_naucnik

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 16

Ø Bitiek16249
Ø WN81163,20
Ø Výhier49,29%

Členovia klanu

Štatistiky šarvátok


História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
STEFA02018Opustil klan 03. 03. 2025 21:04 UTC