[ZIEL] Tom & Jerry

We honestly just vibbbbeeeee


[Ziel] is a top end clan wars, fun, competitive community. We are always looking for new members!!

We are a top end clan focused on high quality play, and extreme battle excellence.
We are always vibing and having fun playing random and ranked too, relaxing in a platoon a little.
We take part in nightly clan wars, advances, and team battles, along with daily detachments supplemented by tier X credit boosters. We compete at a top end level while keeping the good community aspect.
Welcoming and inclusive, we want YOU on the team!

We are looking for gamers who are near, at, or exceeding these stats.

- 3000+ T10 DPG Recent / 50%+ Recent WR, good spots/assisted
- Average recent tier played of > 6.0
- 1+ CW viable tier 10s
- Active player (1+ days a week)
- Discord & Participation in WOT chat Mandatory

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
S1lentK1llaOpustil klan
Duke_StarhammerOpustil klan
burly_warriorOpustil klan
ice099999Opustil klan
_xXWarHawkXx_Opustil klan
KARAKATAUOpustil klan
FirstHumanGamerOpustil klan
RoostmonOpustil klan
PorkythrPigOpustil klan
ltpranteOpustil klan
_XAlvarezX_Opustil klan
Baschnja25Opustil klan
MMC_panzerfaustOpustil klan
XavierTheGamer23Opustil klan
tex123e_1Opustil klan
fastidiousunusualOpustil klan
klckplss3rOpustil klan
LoneCosmoOpustil klan
TTVunknitOpustil klan
nowohOpustil klan
7_62x39Opustil klan
blacktaterOpustil klan
MirusOpustil klan
Rambo24Opustil klan
Super_terminatorOpustil klan
RootbeerFloatsYourBoatOpustil klan
agabe007Opustil klan
zzztankOpustil klan
stonygregOpustil klan
nastrOpustil klan
SenHaiOpustil klan
Arty_KlausOpustil klan
MilesAceOpustil klan
OnlyCarstenNAOpustil klan
CDROverrideOpustil klan
_10TrollolfacE10_Opustil klan
_Alvarez_Opustil klan
theSH4RDOpustil klan
tomdekockOpustil klan