ZEUS is a "casual" clan, meaning that we do not put burdensome time commitments upon our members. All that we ask is that each member be active and help out in detachments, team battles, clan wars and tournaments when available. Our mission as a clan is to build friendship, loyalty and comradeship among clan mates and to fight alongside and defend your brothers in battle!
Clan Rules:
No clan member shall bad mouth or talk bad about any clan member, this includes any name calling or comparing stats, telling someone that they suck or that they are a noob is not acceptable
Clan members should also respect other players within the game, no spamming, team killing or revealing positions etc..
Participation in platoons and tournaments is encouraged to get to know your clan mates
New Recruit Requirements:
Over 5k Battles
50% win-rate
5K player rating
At least 1 tier 10 tank
Players not meeting requirements can join YODA