“Yeah. That is a gun in my pants. But that doesn’t mean I’m not happy to see you...”


Membership requirements: must show an acceptable level of maturity, a recent WN8 of 1000 or more desired.

We are looking for skilled, committed, active players to aid in our goal of WORLD DOMINATION!

Drama-Queens and Ragers need not apply. Dont want em and wont tolerate em! If you are interested in becoming part of the PHASR, please visit us on Teamspeak between the hours of 7 and 10 PM Eastern at phase.teamspeak3.com.

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
BennyBiOpustil klan
tampag8orOpustil klan
FFDonk90Opustil klan
Hellford_RhansomOpustil klan
UgTheDespotOpustil klan
Outburst_HD_01Opustil klan
QuispamsisOpustil klan
NEMZYOpustil klan
Outlaw_68Opustil klan
Heckin_die_alreadyOpustil klan
The_Brown_NoiseOpustil klan
TEXAN290Opustil klan
ConkyTpbOpustil klan
OneShotZas12Opustil klan
danieldsantosOpustil klan
LadyKillazOpustil klan
Jakethe1isnakeOpustil klan
bobtankmasterOpustil klan
TalasarOpustil klan
MrSkidderOpustil klan
TheDivineSpectreOpustil klan
kaupheeOpustil klan
kentuckyrickOpustil klan
Dexter12345Opustil klan
in_a_pickleOpustil klan
jim9567lOpustil klan
B4dg3rOpustil klan
ATOMINACEOpustil klan
gunslinger1178Opustil klan