[TAURI] Tau'ri

Warriors of the Tau'ri Travelling Through the Chappa'ai to do Battle with the Goa'uld


Welcome to the Tau'ri!

Working to create a competitive clan to participate in Clan Wars. Looking for active players able to be on between 8:00-11:00pm EST. Preferred WN8 1300+, Active at least 3-4 days per week, and at least 2 tier X CW viable tank.

For recruiting info contact: Oedad, Lourders21, Barbarians1, or polarbearjockey
TS info available upon contact. Team Speak info: Tauri.guildshout.com

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 28

Ø Bitiek10351
Ø WN81609,82
Ø Výhier52,12%

Členovia klanu


História klanu

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