[SILVR] Silver

"Silver - More Plentiful than Gold"


A member of the Metal Gaming* group, Silver is a clan that respects the individual and strives to build an enviroment where people can grow their skills. Clan leadership will be provided, and is structured, but not overwhelming. All members will be appreciated for their contribution, independent of their experience, while progress through Metal Gaming's ranks will come to those who communicate**, improve and show their skill on the battlefield. Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you!

*Metal Gaming is a group of clans under joint ownership: Silver, Gold and Platinum
**TeamSpeak 3 is required in order to participate in clan and cross-clan activities

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 32

Ø Bitiek4853
Ø WN8988,97
Ø Výhier49,35%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil
1qht0,0002180,0852,93%1456417. 11. 2019Záložník20. 04. 2015
2_SmokeScreen_0,0001824,3263,64%1110. 12. 2014Posádkový dôstojník03. 11. 2015
3TORARION0,0001696,3154,04%900820. 09. 2016Záložník08. 07. 2014
4tynan_cuthbert0,0001295,8351,72%413808. 05. 2020Záložník06. 05. 2014
5BLADE_K0,0001230,5850,39%2110324. 12. 2023Vojak03. 01. 2014
6rapgirl0,0001037,6051,22%553311. 12. 2024Vojak28. 02. 2016
7Lt_Curmugeon0,0001034,9250,15%667016. 01. 2015Záložník16. 01. 2014
8trendsetter0,0001024,6848,67%1008504. 05. 2022Vojak27. 12. 2013
9Desertrogues0,000996,9149,76%1051629. 12. 2014Záložník25. 01. 2014
10carpiethe0,000943,8449,12%828317. 03. 2023Vojak08. 05. 2014
11SilverTigress0,000898,6651,65%27319. 04. 2015Záložník18. 04. 2015
12ArchiAshtrong0,000842,8849,27%327622. 01. 2015Záložník29. 12. 2013
13xXLEGITKILLXx0,000815,9649,08%642429. 11. 2019Vojak19. 11. 2013
14HyperCancer0,000719,2866,67%1828. 03. 2015Posádkový dôstojník15. 06. 2016
15kwo80,000724,8049,92%197719. 06. 2020Regrút14. 06. 2015
164220budz0,000661,9846,91%995507. 04. 2018Záložník19. 03. 2014
17mbphr90,000633,4550,24%62312. 01. 2016Veliteľ14. 02. 2015
18buffalobill3990,000615,9748,36%475221. 01. 2022Vojak01. 04. 2014
19Rakkos0,000608,8048,14%306426. 01. 2022Záložník10. 06. 2014
20Jarmen_Kell0,000580,7848,29%280823. 08. 2014Záložník04. 04. 2014
21trant6990,000470,8148,99%203706. 12. 2018Záložník15. 04. 2014
22Jacoon990,000457,4846,40%426518. 04. 2015Záložník16. 05. 2014
23amigo110,000442,8146,54%508221. 08. 2019Vojak24. 01. 2014
24Erkanator0,000376,4848,01%110807. 11. 2018Regrút17. 10. 2015
25Broomhandle0,000306,2445,96%728311. 12. 2020Regrút19. 04. 2014
26Eaglebonez0,000298,9945,31%286710. 06. 2015Záložník01. 06. 2014
27Gespenst_Jager0,000248,6743,74%193428. 06. 2017Záložník30. 01. 2014
28trident0,000243,2945,85%367119. 12. 2019Regrút26. 11. 2015
29Luchia0,000234,3050,61%65211. 07. 2015Výkonný dôstojník18. 10. 2014
30FREEVIRUSBOT0,000213,7944,34%155423. 12. 2014Záložník12. 11. 2014
31FieldMarshallThanos0,000179,8448,34%96619. 08. 2018Regrút10. 11. 2015
32WayneTheBest0,000135,1243,21%78010. 02. 2018Záložník02. 03. 2014

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum