[NOTTA] No Obligations No Demands No Drama No BS No Politics NOTTA !!!

RESPECT and HONOR are the two things that we take to our graves. Respect and honor those amongst us.


Check your egos, BS, and politics at the door. No obligations or demands here. All that we ask is that you respect your fellow members and tankers. If you want to platoon, communicate in Discord, run skirmishes or clan wars, up to YOU. This is all about YOU. The officers are open to suggestions, tactics, strats, and training, we are all ears. This is all about FUN, life is short. WELCOME !!!

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
RaysbangsOpustil klan
KC_wayneOpustil klan
RebelPatriot96Opustil klan
XX_Optimus_Prime_XXOpustil klan
tin_463Opustil klan
205_accurateOpustil klan
SorryNextTargetOpustil klan
Star_PropainOpustil klan
Morris73Opustil klan
Dorsai35Opustil klan
ComradeKoopOpustil klan
KNOKXOpustil klan
ZacherbeanOpustil klan
greatharroldOpustil klan
OVA_invaderOpustil klan
PanZeRboi41Opustil klan
Tank_Go_SkrrtOpustil klan
ArbiterofhexusOpustil klan
KittyLord101Opustil klan
thegoodbaduglyOpustil klan
IceBeearOpustil klan
Verse7Opustil klan
LimebublyOpustil klan
litwinnfryOpustil klan
Jakesterr2Opustil klan
MasterCommanderOpustil klan
MrboredfoolOpustil klan
WrenchYJOpustil klan
Lord_VinciePooOpustil klan
CaptainADCAPOpustil klan
lazypcOpustil klan
RobDandyOpustil klan
TheRealMassofHumanityOpustil klan
kumputerdaveOpustil klan
schwanny99Opustil klan
Cran77Opustil klan
SujabeOpustil klan
THavoc33Opustil klan
DynarmorOpustil klan
rhayes117Opustil klan
blackninja1Opustil klan
RagnoRock1Opustil klan
davis69_1Opustil klan
HunaraOpustil klan
BossesBossOpustil klan
Im_Not_Sure_Opustil klan
ChookiPookiOpustil klan