[G-U-F] Gamers United Front

"Hold my beer. I'm going to try something."


We are always looking for new people. If you'd like to join us, you must:

Be at least 18 years old
Have a working microphone
Talk to one of the admins on the mumble server
Have the ability to maintain a level head during high stress situations
Be courteous and respectful with the other members

Our founding members, who are spread across the nation, came together through one medium; the computer. Our background is based on very different game genres. We play FPS, RTS, MOBAs, MMOs, etc. We want to uphold that tradition by building a diverse gaming culture, where anyone, from any where, with any playstyle, can come and play their games with a group of awesome people.


Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 38

Ø Bitiek7913
Ø WN8948,24
Ø Výhier48,67%

Členovia klanu


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