[DAP] Dog Assault Platoon

One Leg Up


We are looking to build a clan that runs skirmishes, advances and tournaments. We are laid back and like having fun, but believe in working together to build a strong clan. This is an ADULT SERVER 18+ with a Team Speak channel so be prepared to use team speak. If you would like to be a member send us a request or contact one of the officers for a invite.

One skirmish capable tier VI tank.
Comms are a must.
Use of Team Speak.
Ability to follow commands in battle and the willingness to learn or instruct depending on your ability.
A good attitude.

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 14

Ø Bitiek18718
Ø WN8788,47
Ø Výhier46,24%

Členovia klanu

Štatistiky šarvátok


História klanu

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