[AGT] American Ghost Tankers

I Wont Back Up And I Wont Back Down. I' Ve Been Raised To Stand My Fucking Ground!


We are a fun clan that like to have fun players ALWAYS willing to recruit experienced tankers so just talk to one of our recruiters or commanders. Please mature people only. We are playing a game so lets leave the drama out of here.One rule is that your must be on teamspeak when you are in tanks you must. this apply to all members and new members. or join teamspeak3 on

chi4.thegamemonsters.com:9999 password =NA or visit or facebook page


Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
Lord_BrushOpustil klan
Dalton15bigDOpustil klan
OnetimewingsOpustil klan
Crossbow1203Opustil klan
ChopsueeyOpustil klan
jimmygeeOpustil klan
GeorgeareicOpustil klan
ErrorCodeNameOpustil klan
dye12Opustil klan
PitViper81Opustil klan
SWJBROS2Opustil klan
Barneswa1950Opustil klan
ericmo76Opustil klan
jbarm007Opustil klan
owenmountOpustil klan
CaptainPerkins_2015Opustil klan
UDEN_MASTEROpustil klan
jbarm001Opustil klan
monster_2015_1Opustil klan
GeForce_1Opustil klan
error_tagOpustil klan
UmbeonDEMONOpustil klan
ZyXEL_1shot_DeleteOpustil klan
laureano_46Opustil klan
rgarangoOpustil klan
LASOMBRAXOpustil klan
vampire50Opustil klan
BlackOps04Opustil klan
slap_happyOpustil klan
extrajobOpustil klan
guardian26Opustil klan
DzDaizyOpustil klan
theWanderOpustil klan
PretoreonOpustil klan
Yosho85Opustil klan
PortuguesLegendOpustil klan
Krzysztof90Opustil klan
SlappyOpustil klan
OLDEMANNOpustil klan
thisisodd114Opustil klan
mechanix2Opustil klan
abramsIIOpustil klan
FridunathOpustil klan
wasley010705Opustil klan
tiasmahOpustil klan
woodskieOpustil klan
rayyliuOpustil klan
xXdondaasianheroxXOpustil klan
tommybollOpustil klan