[-SAS-] Sabres and Shields

Death Before Dismount


We, the members of the Sabres and Shields, seek to create a fun environment for all, as well as a superior gaming experience for our members. Our group is a mature, friendly, and a respectful bunch that values teamwork, persistence, and loyalty. We are seeking others that exhibit the same. Current and Veteran Soldiers, Law Enforcement, & Firefighters welcome. Recruiting tier 6 and higher tanks and 16 and older players for Clan Wars. Apply Today!

Interested in Stronghold skirmishes and not necessarily Clan Wars come on by we are looking for some dedicated skirmish players.

Sabres and Shields Website

Sabres and Shields TeamSpeak3

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
OneFoulManOpustil klan
GrimlockGlock846Opustil klan
Jackcat_sniper_BROpustil klan
batman_839Opustil klan
warrior_steel_1Opustil klan
carson_409Opustil klan
Slayer_Of_All_007Opustil klan
Wipeout_defenderOpustil klan
Warlord24_Opustil klan
Ironsides1952Opustil klan
ICNightRaptorOpustil klan
ghostieeeOpustil klan
ERNNYOpustil klan
Big_PopsOpustil klan
21CW_HillbillyOpustil klan
deejaayyOpustil klan
TgrahmsOpustil klan
ThetaCiOpustil klan
mantierOpustil klan
IC_HitOpustil klan
ICNightHawkOpustil klan
EagleClaw723Opustil klan
Sid_Has_NFIOpustil klan
IC_StalkerOpustil klan
81G80YOpustil klan
BloodstormOpustil klan
ShastyOpustil klan