[-PACK] The Pack

A lone wolf is trivial, but a pack united is unstoppable.


The pack will attack with strength at great lengths, no obstacle will be impossible.

The purpose of The Pack is to gain access to an elite group of medium players, to platoon with and know that you will have a skilled Wolf at your side.

You want a friend who thinks and plays the same way you do, because you always need someone to watch your back.

If you have what it takes to be part of The Pack, join our fellowship and become one of us.


We only recruit high tier medium drivers, with a good win rate.

If you would like to be considered for membership platoon with our members, or better yet, our recruiters.

Štatistiky klanu

Počet členov: 0

Ø Bitiek0
Ø WN80,00
Ø Výhier0,00%

Členovia klanu

#Meno hráča30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø VýhierBitiekPosledná bitkaPozíciaVstúpil

Štatistiky šarvátok

#Meno hráča7D Battles30D Battles

História klanu

Meno hráčaZmenaDátum
Mayday13Opustil klan
sniper_shootoutOpustil klan
Boombomb_sniperOpustil klan
ericlegeOpustil klan
desplazamientoOpustil klan
MatadorSteel45Opustil klan
B7V5018Opustil klan
bloodravensOpustil klan
A_ShruberyOpustil klan
GluuueOpustil klan
ArchitortureOpustil klan
JimboGrizzOpustil klan
KelChznOpustil klan
Pantherra99Opustil klan
Elwood_meMopsOpustil klan
FAKNATOOpustil klan
PwntUpRageOpustil klan
SakuyaSama7Opustil klan
DrunkenparrotOpustil klan
strovem67Opustil klan
Commander_RegisOpustil klan
dday6644Opustil klan
TargetPractice45Opustil klan
Mr_DwalinOpustil klan
IlIokoleIlIOpustil klan
Rick_A_ShayOpustil klan
PurefrustrationOpustil klan
nerawOpustil klan
V_P_VOpustil klan
dday_8080Opustil klan
BoaTboneOpustil klan